Page 9 - Sioen Clothing Catalogue
P. 9

ISO 9001                                             REACH
                  Quality management systems -                         We guarantee that we are fully REACH
                  Requirements are directly audited                    conformant. REACH is the European
                  by a third party.
                                                                       Community Regulation on chemicals
                                                                       and their safe use. It deals with the
                  ISO 14001
                                                                       Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation
                  ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an               and Restriction of Chemical substances.
         CER TIFIED
                  environmental management system.                     Reach aims to enhance the human
                  It maps out a framework that a                       health and environment through a better
                  company or organization can follow                   and faster identification of the intrinsic
                  to set up an effective environmental                 properties of chemical substances.
                  management system. It can be used by
                  any organization that wants to improve    CONFIDENCE  OEKO-TEX®
                                                             IN TEXTILES
                  resource efficiency, reduce waste and    Tested for harmful substances  for pro-active sustainable product
                  drive down costs.                        according to Oeko-Tex ®  Standard 100  development.
                  HUMAN RIGHTS
                  The UN Global Compact is a strategic
                  policy initiative for businesses that are
                  committed to aligning their operations
                  and strategies with ten universally
                  accepted principles in the areas of
                  human rights, labour, environment and

                                  Sustainable Textile Production (STeP) is the new OEKO-TEX® certification
                                  system for brands, retail companies and manufacturers from the textile
                                  chain who want to communicate their achievements regarding sustainable
                                  production to the public in a transparent, credible and clear manner. As
                                  market leader, we want more than high quality products. We also want our
                                  production processes to be sustainable.

                                  We are the first PPE manufacturing company to receive a STeP certification.
                                  The audit revealed that Sioen Apparel complies with the highest
                                  requirements of STeP by the OEKO-TEX® standard level 3 in regard to our
                                  structures, processes and management systems.

                                                              WE ARE THE FIRST PPE
                                                              MANUFACTURING COMPANY TO
                                                              RECEIVE A STEP CERTIFICATION.

             CSR MANIFEST
           A healthy environment is the condition to all life and activity.  At Sioen Industries, we want to contribute to solving the
          challenges our environment faces today: climate change, search for alternative sources of energy, use of less raw material,
                                  We refer to our separate CSR manifest.
                reduction of waste and emissions, a.o.
                                  This brochure contains all information on the
                                  Sioen activities and on our Corporate Social   FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CSR,
                                                                                         CHECK OUR WEBSITE
                                  Responsibility actions and policies.                     WWW.SIOEN.COM
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